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Grow Your
Tutoring Career

Part-time or full-time, online or in-person, Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Johor Bahru and Kota Kinabalu, Maths or English - whatever may be your preference, MyPrivateTutor provides you with the perfect platform to launch, grow and promote your career as a tutor.

Sign Up as Tutor it's FREE

Build your tutoring credentials

Create your own unique, detailed personal profile as a tutor highlighting all your credentials. Add your qualifications, experience, stellar reviews from students, upload videos of your teaching or articles you have written and let the world know of your tutoring prowess.

Create your free profile

How it Works

Find and Apply for Jobs in Your City

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Multiply Your Income

Go beyond one-on-one tutoring and launch a group class, start an online course to teach students from all over the world or sell your own study notes. Take charge of your tutoring career.

How to Teach a Course

No Commissions

Teach all the students you want for as long as you want without paying a cut of your fees to us. Our Basic profile is free while a monthly fixed charge is payable for Premium subscriptions.

Start Tutoring Career

Easy and Hassle-Free

Let us handle your payments and bookings and focus on what you do best - teaching and bringing concepts to life

Sign Up as a Tutor

Flexible Timings

Set your work timings and rates. Add information that matters - qualification, timings, fees, tutoring success stories, etc. Be your own boss.

Start Tutoring Career

It is a very good website platform to allow the tutor for search and approach the students in the area they are convenient to teach, with the subjects they are expert in. The parents and students also can easily find a suitable tutor through this platform and achieve the purpose of learning.

Ong Hing HuatShah Alam

Great website that connects tutors from diversed background and students in need.

Yap Su WeiKuala Lumpur

I have been loyal to MyPrivateTutor for years now. They have never disappointed me over the years. I have long dedicated students till date from my private tutor. Without them, it would be difficult to find students. Thank you for this platform.

Karthiga Darshini AnnaduraiKuala Lumpur

I like your service, as it protects both the clients' and the tutors' privacy.

Kimberly TehRawang

Good arrangement between tutors and students. I able to meet my students from this website. Thanks to you.

Nordiana Binti Mat SallehMelaka

Good day. I have been a registered tutor for my private tutor for so many years. I have found the website is very useful to grasp students and to find tuition jobs. It has a catchy side and the input that MyPrivateTutor gives, is valuable for tutors. To add to that, their customer service replies is very efficient and friendly which makes their after sales service a thumbs up! Good work my private tutor team and all the best for the coming years. Thank you.


Frequently Asked Questions

How to Register as a tutor?

Signing up as a tutor on MyPrivateTutor involves just two straightforward steps:

  • Click this link to access the registration form.
  • Fill up all the details carefully and complete all the steps.
  • Once the details are given, complete the process by clicking on Submit

When can I access my account after registration?

Upon registration, your tutor profile will be verified and activated by our admin team. An activation email will be sent to you once the necessary steps are completed. The entire process may take 24-48 hours to complete, so we kindly ask for your patience and cooperation.

How can I verify my tutor account?

When registering your institute profile, you will be prompted to verify your email address and phone number using a One-Time Password (OTP). This step is crucial, so please follow the steps outlined below to verify your identity:

  • Click the Get OTP button.
  • You will receive an email and a message containing a unique verification code.
  • Enter the verification code into the designated fields and submit it to finalize the process.

As a free tutor, can I get any enquiry?

Absolutely, as a Basic member, you will receive tuition enquiry notifications tailored to your chosen segments and subjects. Students can also reach out to you via messages, utilizing the information in your profile. However, if you wish to directly view the tuition leads, you would need to purchase Tuition Connects.

Do I need to pay to receive contacts of students and avail other services?

To gain the ability to view tuition leads directly, the purchase of Tuition Connects is necessary. Additionally, you have the option to invest in Banner ads, which will prominently display your ad with your institute's contact number on the Sidebar of our Institute Listing page. This can facilitate direct student enquiries to your institute.

How can I promote my tutor profile on MyPrivateTutor?

Display Banner Ads and get more Direct Enquiries:

  • Dimensions of the text box ad will be 300px x 200px
  • Ad to be displayed on the sidebar of listing pages in your segments
  • Display your contact number on the ad and get direct enquiries
  • Link ad to your profile or any other external website
  • We will help you to design your ad with best tag line

You can also avail our Customize Newsletter and Email Marketing services. To know more write to [email protected]

How to check tuition leads in my preferred areas?

To check tuition leads in your preferred areas, kindly follow these steps:

  • Login to your profile
  • Click on your profile name, situated at the upper right-hand corner of your dashboard
  • From the dropdown menu, choose My Profile
  • Opt for the Edit Surrounding Areas option
  • Select the specific areas that match your preferences
  • Click on Submit

How to change Segments and Subjects after registration?

To update your segments and subjects, please follow these steps:

  • Login to your profile.
  • Click on your profile name located at the upper right-hand corner of your dashboard
  • From the dropdown menu, select My Profile
  • Choose the Edit Segments/Subjects option
  • Select the segments and subjects that align with your preferences
  • Click on the Submit button to save your changes

Why am I not able to view the phone number or mail id of students?

As a free member, access to students' contact information is not available. To obtain student details, you would need to purchase Tuition Connects. This service facilitates the exchange of contact information and enables you to connect with potential students directly.

Is there any money back guarantee, if I don't get tuition?

We want to assure you of the availability of tuition enquiries based on your chosen location, segments, and subjects. While refunds of fees are generally not provided, we are committed to assisting you in obtaining more tuition leads. Therefore, we recommend that you review the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before upgrading your account.

Do I need to pay any commission from my tuition fees?

Rest assured that we do not claim any commission from the tuition fees or course fees that you receive directly from students. Your earnings remain entirely yours. Therefore, apart from the premium subscription fees or tuition connect fees, there are no additional charges you need to worry about.

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