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Dr Tee is very resourceful and knowledgeable tutor. It was easier to grasp the lesson from her tutorial.
Always tries her best to answer my questions in class & also after class even if they're a bit confusing or difficult, explains different types of grammar clearly and uses teaching methods that make me remember them, also easy to talk to and feels like a friend instead of a teacher! :D
Her teaching method is interesting and I can understand easily. She's patient while teaching.
Thanks to Ms Anis, her lessons are well structured and she uses high quality resources to help you learn German in a very short time, while making sure to make the classes interactive and fun as well.
I have learned so much in my English classes with Ms Anis. She asks questions and gets the students to respond which is both fun and promotes faster learning. She paces the class just right so you feel challenged and eager to be curious. So many other classes you just read from a text book but her class is different from others. She is also patient and eager to help.
Ms. Anis is very patient and kind. She is also very knowledgeable and can answer many questions. She also able to explain the complicated German grammar by using a formula. Now I can memorize all the grammar parts without problem. She is committed, knowledgeable and punctual. Thank you.
Saya Merupakan Guru Terlatih Yang Mengajar Subjek Bahasa Melayu Di Sekolah Menengah.
Azhari Bin Abdul Aziz follows a systematic way of teaching. Also gives me progress reports on areas of strengths and weaknesses of my children.
Nur Hazierah Binti Azmi is a great teacher and teaches each topic in a detailed fashion. I have really improved a lot in the concerned subjects.
I Discover The Level Of My Students, Personalize Materials For Them, And Build Their English Starting At Their Level.
Clement is a very kind and enthusiastic about teaching. He will try different ways to gain students interest on the subject.
My daughter who is taking up her PT3 exam this year is very happy with Clement's English teaching. He is patient and teach "better than the teacher". Clement always made learning fun and interesting. My daughter has big improvement in her grammar, essay writing, listening and communication using English etc. We look forward to a long tutoring relationship with him.
Afifah is very funny and knows how to get her student's attention. Very generous too. She is like a family to us!
He is a very humble and kind person. I like the way he teaches because he focuses on making us understand. His technique of answering a question is very simple that makes me improve a lot in my grades.
Good tutor. Highly recommended.
I do like how the information is delivered. He had taught me Mathematics and Alhamdulillah. I got A in my SPM. Before meeting Muhammad, my Math was too poor and I got failed.
His teaching is simple and its easier for me to understand the concept of Subjects.
Friendly and the way he teaches is very helping me understand the subject.
He keeps teach us patiently until we totally understand about the topic.
He's very passionate about himself and always help me through out my problem in Math and Additional Math.
Nur Aisyah Binti Samsuddin is really a hardworking girl !! She taught my son and helped him to score A in BM, Math and Science. She is an excellent home tutor!!
He always used many examples to teach us and make us understand about the questions that we don't know how to solve them.
He is super friendly, funny and he taught us maths in a very friendly way too! I wouldnât say he was a teacher, but I would say he was more like a friend. When we do not know how to do something, he always made different types of ways to explain it to us which really helped us understand things better. After getting tutored from him, my marks and grades really got better! I am so thankful and grateful to have him as my teacher.
I really like the method he used in teaching. I can easily understand every techniques he taught me which was very useful for answering the IELTS's papers. He is very friendly too and makes me feel so comfortable learning with him.
Excellent explanation and strategic in handling Muet questions. Understanding and easy to get along with.
I really liked his accent and his efforts to make sure the classes are fun.
Teacher Majdina really helped me out with my science. She has great communication skills which helps me receive the lessons she teaches much easier. She is very hardworking and prepares notes for her students. She teaches Science in both bm and English precisely. I never feel afraid or uncomfortable to ask her any questions during class as she will teach me until I understand.
Teacher Majdina is a very good tutor. She always provides her students with helpful notes and exercises. All of her study notes are full of informative guides on the subject she is teaching. Has a great personality and create a conducive study environment. Overall sheâs a great teacher :)
Knowledgeable Teacher. I will definitely recommend her.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 95 positive reviews.