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Find the best International Baccalaureate (IB) Tutors for Form 4 - 5 (SPM) / O-Level Students in Kuantan, Malaysia. Simply post your learning requirement, and you'll receive prompt responses from skilled tutors and reputable institutes. Check if they provide private home tutoring or online tutoring options, class duration, timing and other important details to start a lesson. Select the best option which suits your needs and budget and time.
My son is studying in Chinese school. So he was struggling with English exams. Your expertise in teaching has put our minds at ease. My son has improved a lot in English. I respect her.
Puntual and never tardy. Excellent and highly recommended tutor. Patience and hardworking tutor.
Dedicated tutor. Very punctual/time-keeping. Good input for every tuition.
She helps me in preparation of IELTS. A very good and an understanding tutor. She taught politely.
Determination on teaching. I highly recommended to other student.
Great teacher. I used to have many problems with physics because I could not understand the concept fully, but after many lessons with Sir Faris, I managed to do well in my test. His teachings are easy to understand because he provided me with many real examples on how to apply Physics.
I have been taught by Abirami. Because near to me.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 9 positive reviews.