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Find the best American Curriculum Tutors for Form 6 / Pre-U (STPM) / A-Level Students in Shah Alam, Malaysia. Simply post your learning requirement, and you'll receive prompt responses from skilled tutors and reputable institutes. Check if they provide private home tutoring or online tutoring options, class duration, timing and other important details to start a lesson. Select the best option which suits your needs and budget and time.
Dr Tee is very resourceful and knowledgeable tutor. It was easier to grasp the lesson from her tutorial.
I feel so grateful and lucky to have Teacher Cynthia as my account tutor! Before met her, I almost wanted to drop accounts. Thank you so much for your encouraging and assurance that I actually can achieve more than what I thought. I got A* in my exam!!!
She is a patient and committed teacher. She explains very clearly to ensure the student understands the concept.
Miss Cynthia is an excellent teacher. She is very dedicated. She was very patient and always ensured student understood the concept. She also helped to boost student's confidence and achieved a good result.
Sir goes through questions in depth and his explanation is very detailed. He is patient in helping us understand the parts that confuse us. Sir has many extra materials which can help us prepare for the exams. He even provides additional notes if we request for them.
Teacher Majdina really helped me out with my science. She has great communication skills which helps me receive the lessons she teaches much easier. She is very hardworking and prepares notes for her students. She teaches Science in both bm and English precisely. I never feel afraid or uncomfortable to ask her any questions during class as she will teach me until I understand.
Teacher Majdina is a very good tutor. She always provides her students with helpful notes and exercises. All of her study notes are full of informative guides on the subject she is teaching. Has a great personality and create a conducive study environment. Overall sheâs a great teacher :)
Because she is good teacher in add math.
Chartered Accountant Working As External Auditor. Have High Degree Of Experience In Accounting
Ambitious And Dynamic Tutor For Math, Add Math, Physics And Lukisan Kejuruteraan.
Most of our experienced teachers have a 5 star rating with over 10 positive reviews.