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Fu Ju Jie

Male, 28 Years
  • Mobile Verified
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Hourly Fees: MYR 50
  • +60xxxxxxxxx
  • +60xxxxxxxxx
  • 1 year of teaching experience
  • Kulim, Kedah
  • Last Login: 2 years ago
  • Registered: 23 Sep, 2021
  • Teaches online: Yes
  • Teaching Time: As per Student's Needs
  • Offer Demo Class: Yes
  • Has Vehicle: Yes
  • Speaks: English, Mandarin

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Post Requirement

Fu Ju Jie

I Am A Dentist


Doctor of Dental Surgery USM


I am a fresh graduate of Doctor of Dental Surgery from USM. I am currently waiting for job posting as a government dentist. I had experience in giving tuition for my friends during my secondary school, pre-u and university. I scored 11As in SPM with 8A+s, Straight As in Pre-u and graduated as a dentist with good CGPA. These proved how well I master my study and how confident am I to make sure my student can score well in their exam too!


I need to firstly evaluate my students, every student need different types of approach. I am not the type of TEACHER in school who will only give but not getting feedback from students, teacher in schools need to handle a lot of students hence they cannot make sure every student is on the right track For topic my students currently struggling with, I will put more time and make sure they fully understand. For topic they are already mastered, will put lesser time so that we can achieve more within the time frame. I am strong in calculations and imaginations, I will ensure my students able to pick up the topics and ways of tackling questions easily. I am a very friendly tutor, my student can make jokes with me. I want to make sure the learning environment is stress-free to provide a conducive learning environment.



Teaches Teaches

Form 1 - 3 (PT3 / PMR):
Form 1 - 3 (PT3 / PMR):
Geography, Mathematics, Science, Sejarah
Form 4 - 5 (SPM) / O-Level:
Form 4 - 5 (SPM) / O-Level:
Biology, Physics, Additional Math, Modern Maths
Standard 1 - 6 (UPSR):
Standard 1 - 6 (UPSR):
Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, Science

Online Tutoring Online Tutoring

Online Tools:
Online Tools:

Zoom, Microsoft Team, Microsoft Team, Skype

Hourly Fees:
Hourly Fees:

MYR 50